Exclusive Services
Small Job Specialist. Yes you have found the only guy that wants the smaller jobs which the big companies find a nusiance.
Assemble Furniture
Furniture, Bookcases, Beds or any other type of put together piece that you purchased and needs to be assembled. Give me info about the product. Where you live and I will gladly give you a quote. So many things we purchase for our homes need to be assembled.
Not everyone has the capability and know how for this king of work. That’s why I’m here. I was born with an Allen wrench in my hand. I can’t count how many items I have assembled in my life. It started when I was an older sibling at Christmas time that can put together the younger ones toys. Dad figured out he had a son that could relive him of this wonderful task.
Deck Repair
This deck has a special place in my heart. I built it one month after having 7 stents installed. I went slow and steady. It was good therapy actually. I designed the custom rail and gate system which were needed to trap my 4 small dogs. I did not want boring old pickets. It doesn’t stop them from barking at every passerby. A deck like this needs to have engineer drawings. It is not attached to the house, just the roof support is. My point is, if I can build a deck like this I can certainly repair your deck. All repairs are unique. Whether replacing rotten floor boards, railings or structure. I will need extensive details to properly quote.
Specific Plumbing Projects
Installation of a faucet or maybe the garbage disposal installation you attempted is a bit more of a hassle than you thought. Minor irrigation repair work. Call us to save the day. Ask if your project is one that I can do. Plumbing issues can vary quite a bit.
Childproof cabinets
Childproofing is a very important detail when you are expecting a new pint sized visitor. Just tell me how many items you have and I can give you a quote.
Light Electrical Work
Want to upgrade your existing switches and receptacles to the more modern look of the Decora type? Changing switches and receptacles my specialty. Low voltage products. Install video cameras. Ask me about your project. Disclaimer - not licensed electrician there is limited work that I can perform. I have many years of experience in this field.
Install Smoke Alarms
Some alarms are very essentials in warning us about potential dangers in our home. The newer type detectors have extended battery life life up to ten years. There is no more changing batteries every spring and fall. When the battery goes dead on the new type you throw it out and get a all new detectors.
A quick look at Kiddie Alarms Website show how things have changed. These are some examples of what is available. Contact Form